Monday, November 26, 2007

The Results

This is what I did in my last cake decorating class tonight:

Under that frosting is my Midnight Cake with ginger. For added ginger flair I frosted with a gingered cream cheese frosting. Mmmm...cream cheese. Funny thing about making frosting today. I had to rush this whole cake because we didn't get home until later in the day yesterday. We came home from Maia's music class and I needed to make my frostings. I also needed to put Maia down for a nap. Frosting needs my mixer and my 1,0000 watt motor keeps Maia awake. What to do?

I made frosting on the back porch with my hand held mixer. Not the best job I've ever done, but the location was the most unusual I've ever made cream cheese frosting. It was kind of nice to not have to clean up powdered sugar from every counter surface after the project, though.

I also manged a double batch of stiff decorator icing on the back porch with the hand-held mixer. And look what I did with that icing:

ROSES! And dots. And shells.

A closer look at my very first roses:

Roses are hard. And I was the slowest to catch on to them in our class. Mine are not so pretty...I didn't put the "practice rose" my friend/instructor made for me on my cake because it would have put my attempts to shame. But I know the
basic idea now and maybe with a little more practice I'll have flowers that look more rose-like and less cabbage-rose-like in the future.

I do like my dots. And note the masculine colors. John gets to take this into work tomorrow. And I thought pink would be a bit precious for the engineers.

I just hope they save me a little slice.


ambrosia ananas said...

It looks great. I'm impressed your roses turned out so well on your first time making them. Roses are tricky.

domestic_valerie said...

They really are. I like stars a whole lot better. :)