Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Aii-yah. I fell asleep on the couch last night and woke up after midnight. So now I have missed a day of NaBloPoMo-ing.

I plead lots of things: A baby day---always busy. Waiting to see if my drop-ship food order was going to arrive in time for me to pick it up. Nope. Running off to Oakland to help my sister with her car, then wait with my dad's wife while he was in surgery. Long wait. But he's just fine. Catch dinner with said sister. Go home. Put very tired baby to sleep and pass out on the couch.

I'm tired. Like I usually am. And my cold is back. Whaa-whaa whaaa.

So maybe if I post twice today, you'll forgive me. Maybe I'll post a picture of my incredible daughter (who just woke up) and you'll forget all about missing a day.

She is just that cute.


Anonymous said...

Geee, I go away for a couple of days and you start passing out on the couch...

On the plus side: I'll be back a day earlier rhan planned! See you tomorrow :)

domestic_valerie said...

I always pass out on the couch when you're gone. The bed is too lonely and the couch is an old friend.

I can't wait to see you sweets!