But you're caught in your own glory.
You are believing your own stories.
Timing your contractions.
Inventing small contraptions
That roll across your polished hardwood floors.
~cake "open book" lyric
Friday, November 2, 2007
Quick Tip:
Hair dye cleans off of tile bathroom floors so much easier than it cleans off of linoleum floors. Just to let you know.
Morning: Bottles for the twins, cereal for the toddler, coffee for the parents.
Housework, play dates, and facebook.
Afternoon: Bottles for the twins and a nap for the toddler. Down time? Sometimes...
Evening: Dinner for the ones who can eat solid food, bottles for the twins.
Bedtime for small children and grown up time for the mom and dad. Mostly spent catching up on television.
And all the time lavish those around me with love and attention. Except when I'm on the computer.
If only I knew how to clean it off of bathroom counters. . . .
Funny you should mention that...
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