Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ah Well, Blew this Month Off

I tried.

I really, really, tried.

But there should be some forgiveness for me because slow Internet is physically painful for me.

The thought of the dial tone. The choppy connection. Typing on a computer that wasn't mine. All of these things lead to very serious barriers to entry when one thinks about blogging. Especially after a long day of cooking, laughing, shopping, eating, reading and playing with the baby.

Mea culpa. I'll do better next year.

But I'll bravely post forward for the few remaining days of NaBloPoMo November.

We're back home safe and sound and well, well, maybe not so well, rested (there are many reasons to NOT sleep in the same room, let alone bed, as your child that I am painfully reminded of whenever we travel with her). Had lovely pizza for dinner with our cat-sitting neighbors. I now need to check up on e-mails and plan Christmas presents.

Let the madness begin!

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