Thursday, February 1, 2007

Is It Too Late?

I'm wondering if it's too late for a New Year's Resolution. It's February after all. I'm hoping the year is still new enough.

In any case, I am vowing to write every day. Even if it's just a "Hi" and how far I walked. My other goal is to walk every day. Today: 2.3 miles. Short walk downtown. Don't ask for the time, because snacks were had.

Weather: Gloomy.

Daughter: Fine. More on her tomorrow.

Homework is done....yes I am back in school. I'm taking technical writing because I am a glutton for punishment. Just to do things right, I jumped into the hardest class for my degree after my lovely (new mommy-ing) semester off. John takes Maia on Friday mornings so that I might go. It's a perfect set up and I'm lucky to have it.

I need to print and initial my memo before brother dear comes home and the printer becomes out of reach until noon tomorrow. So many things to say...and I am making the time to tell it. Later.

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