Sunday, November 8, 2009


Tonight, gratitude in pictorial form. This is how I was able to spend my afternoon while John was running errands and the girls were sleeping. Baking centers my soul. And for this, I am grateful.

Sliced and Spiced--waiting to be arranged in the crust

Mile High Apples--the recipe called for 3 1/4 pounds of sliced apples

Cinnamon Crumb Topping--I really wanted that Dutch apple complexity for these lovely apples

Out of the Oven--golden brown and smelling so fall like. *swoon*

Slice and Serve--the crumb topping cracked like creme brulee but the pie held together in perfect slabs of happiness

The apples were the ones we picked earlier this week from the tree in the backyard. They turned into pie as wonderfully as I could have hoped for. I'm so excited for next years crop.

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