Sunday, July 5, 2009

Night and the Sitting Baby

John and I employ a whole lot of ignoring when it comes to night-time wake ups with the girls. We let them fuss for a few and usually they settle right down again. Stella and Elise are big enough at this point that they do not need a night feeding and small wake-ups from teething or just the normal cycle of sleep-wake aren't made a big deal of because then those wakings will turn to habits.

Last night was a crazy night, sleep wise, for everyone. We were at a Fourth of July celebration and though we said we weren't going to stay late, of course we did. We ended up putting Stella and Elise down at our friend's house and then packing them home around 9 PM. So "bed" in their own beds didn't happen until after 10 PM. They seemed to be fine until we heard the wail at 2 AM. Stella was agitated. Very much so. We chalked it up to the strange night and let her fuss for about 5 minutes. Then she was quiet and we dozed off again. Around 2:30 she was at it again, just kind of fussing and moaning and then quiet. At 3 when she began wailing in earnest I decided it was time to get her out of bed, feed her something and get her to sleep again before all her sisters were up in the middle of the night.

I stumbled sleepily into the bedroom and there was Stella. Sitting in bed. I've never seem her sitting (on her own from a prone position) before and it was kind of strange. I brushed it off, picked her up and proceeded to feed, cuddle and get her back into bed with a minimum of thinking.

As I turned off the kitchen light and headed back to my own bed a thought fluttered into my addled brain. Stella doesn't like to go from a sitting position to the ground. She doesn't like to fall and has yet to figure out the controlled way to get herself down. How she got up by herself is a mystery....but she did manage it somehow. But, I wondered, was her fussing because she simply didn't know how to get down again?

I really hope she wasn't sitting in bed for an hour just waiting for someone to put her down. If she wakes up tonight, I'm checking out the night vision camera and then...we'll be working on Stella's dismount.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Z totally did that. She'd get SO mad. But really, bed is the softest place for them to figure out how to fall back over. :)