Friday, July 17, 2009

A Few Good Things

I've been whining.

So the following is a random list of some very good things that have happened recently:

1. Saw Death Cab for Cutie with John at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. I have loved the band for a long time but this was the first time seeing them live. We managed to squeeze into some great "seats" (general admission we were standing) and the show was great. Lots of good music, some fun banter and a good crowd. A lovely evening...we would like to go to some more live shows in the future. Also, best "sing along" I've been a part of at a concert. The crowd added to the depth of feeling in the song and it was just...perfect. So happy.

2. I have reached a new low in my quest for weight loss. I broke into the 150's and am currently a bit loose in my size 12's. These are numbers I have never seen in my adult life. Also so happy.

3. I spent a weekend in Hollywood with a good friend of mine. I went alone and got silly, slept in, went to a Farmer's Market that served drinks, made trailer cupcakes, danced at a goth club, ate yummy food and so awful-it-was-addictive food came home to a sparkling clean house, dinner, clean children and a happy husband. Very happy.

4. Elise can crawl like nobody's business.

5. Maia knows how to swim. And loves the water--on her own terms.

6. I found the perfect all-butter sugar cookie recipe. The one I've been looking for. No fuss, delicious cookies. Soft, crunchy, buttery but not shortbread-y. I'm happy. My waist line might not be.

7. Stella is a snuggle baby. I love that.

8. We are going on a date tomorrow night. We are hiring a babysitter (our first paid one) and going out for some one-on-one adult time. I think I will even go out and buy a new dress for the occasion. Or a skirt. Because all my skirts are too big. :)

1 comment:

ambrosia ananas said...

You went to a Death Cab concert?! I am so jealous. They are amazing. Yay for you.

Wow! Great job on the weight loss.