Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Not to Say to an 8-Month Old

Because Stella has hip and cool (ahem) parents she is sporting a leopard print correctional helmet. Yes, she has a problem with the shape of her head. It's growing out nicely now, thanks to the helmet. But it is very obvious and we receive numerous comments on it, ranging from "Why is she wearing a helmet?" to "What a great hat/helmet!" But we've never run into the scene we experienced last Saturday at Costco.

Stella was riding in the ergo carrier with John as we walked past the bakery where a very forward older woman was hawking Costco croissants and giving out samples. We stopped to give Maia a bite and as we were turning around to head to the fruit section the Costco Sample Lady says in a very loud smoker's voice "What a sexy helmet!" My reaction? "Ummmm...thanks?" John begins to move a bit quicker away from the Costco Sample Lady but...she follows us to tell us more. "Yeah, that's a sexy mother had a nightgown with the same pattern so I know it real well."

Really? Thanks for sharing...we just smiled and nodded and backed away as quickly a politeness would allow. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd let out a "Rawr!" followed by a bawdy wink.

I think this is the kind of thing John was afraid of when he expressed doubt as to whether or not leopard was appropraite for our daughter. Yikes.


ambrosia ananas said...

Good heavens. Who says that about something a baby is wearing?

John said...

In all fairness, she was sweet about it, kinda.

Buy, yeah, I really didn't want to know the details about what her mom wore, much less so what she thought about it, and to then transpose said thoughts onto an 8 month old baby -- gives me the willies.

domestic_valerie said...

No. It was pretty creepy.