Tuesday, March 7, 2006

You Might Have Forgotten

I am really still in school and doing things not related to getting ready to have a child. Don't laugh, really I am. Today was a big day in school for me, I had my first mid-term and I got back my first paper in career writing. I can't complain about either, really.

It was miserable today. Weather wise. It was pouring rain when I had to leave for class which is not a great motivator. Neither was the fact that I'd been bopping around in the house in pj's all morning enjoying the quiet house. Or the fact that I had to go take a test. I always hate the first test of the semester in any class, and I really hate it when we have only two tests that count for a whole lot of grade. And of course I had to go early and buy a blue book. For some reason, the only times I've been in the student store to purchase supplies...no matter what...it's been raining. No kidding. Last semester too. Weird.

So, I get to class mildly damp and settle in for one last review of my notes. I'm glad I got there early, because it was a full house. As my teacher walked in she commented: "Boy, there must be a test or something today, because the classroom hasn't been this full since the first day." The test, all in all wasn't too bad...but we'll see if I write enough on the passages for full credit. It took me the entire period to finish. That hasn't happened in a long time. I was rushing at the end to write down the last few definitions. Note to self: I think I'll start with the definitions first next time, and spend less time reviewing the test as a whole.

Next stop was the bathroom. But you didn't need to know that.

Then on to my career writing class to pick up my paper. I didn't have to attend class today, the Newsletter team is editing, and I'm on the Writing Life team...so we were free to stay away. I did want my paper, and because my two classes are in the same building, and this one is on my way out even, it was silly not to go. Did I mention that I really wanted to see my paper?

This assignment was to interview a writer of our choosing and write a profile of them. It's been ages since I've done a formal interview. I chose to write on a fellow blogger and freelance writer: Manic Mom. Check her site out at http://www.manicmommy.blogspot.com. The interview was great fun and I enjoyed the write up. Even the peer review process was helpful. Our professor expects us to come to class having already read and commented on our group's papers. This allows us real time to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual paper. It was a new experience, and one I actually learned from. I think my paper got better from the suggestions. Not perfect, but better.

When all was said and done, I got a B+ which I am very pleased with. Our professor is notorious for being a very tough grader. She made some very good points about where my paper "lost it" and if I made her corrections, it would be an even better piece. But, woo-hoo for a solid start in her class. She also suggested I write a piece for The Writing Life about freelance writing. I think I will, from my research last semester and this interview, I think I could do a pretty good job with it. Good things all around. I feel pretty good about the class so far, and if I can maintain a solid B I will feel as though I have done a good job. I have set the goal of no punctuation errors for my next piece of writing...sloppy sloppy girl that I am. ;)

Now...I really must get back to work on my paper about the subtle Christian themes that run through selected Old and Middle English works. Blah. Sometimes it's not all that much fun to be a writer.


Anonymous said...

Hi, found you through Manic Mom. I did most of my college years (including my master's) having and raising my two boys. It gets pretty crazy but good luck. I haven't read your older posts, but I will be reading your future ones :)

But husband who flies? So cool!

domestic_valerie said...

Thanks for stopping by...It's a challenge right now just being pregnant and going to school. I am looking forward to the challenge of homework and babies, I know it con be done. :)

We like the plane, it's fun...it can be a hassle, but over all, yeah, it's cool.

I'll keep on posting..at some point. I've been slacking off lately...but I will get better.

Anonymous said...

Yes, babies and college absolutely can be done and I actually look back on it fondly. It was a great challenge and I'm glad I did it. (Even got some publicity out of it!)

Makes for interesting party conversations too! :)