Friday, January 9, 2009

Three Girls Four Months and Counting

The babies turned four months yesterday. It's kind of a big milestone...the completion of the "fourth trimester" and the transition from new born to infant. Case in point, I feel like I have 10 minutes to post as opposed to the last three months when I barley had time to go to the bathroom.

Stella and Elise are amazing. Good, good, babies and they are beginning to settle into a groove. Right now they are sitting in bouncy chairs batting at rattles and cooing. Maia is eating a breakfast of French toast, applesauce and fruit. I am having coffee and deciding how to spend the day. I wish every morning was as good as this one is right now.

The other amazing thing happening in our house right now is the relationship that is beginning to grow between the toddler and the babies. Maia has gone from indifference to jealousy to a kind of "big sister" role where she will play and talk to the babies now. She loves to tell them "good morning" and "hi baby" and "look at me! I'm smiling at you". Stella and Elise are responding with big toothless grins and laughs at Maia's antics. This is what I was imagining when we began to expand our little family. While we still have moments when Maia tells me to "put the baby down" and do something for her, I hope we can grow these good feelings to a life time of good times for our girls.

Speaking of a life time of good times...we took a little family vacation to San Diego over New Years and it was so wonderful I want to make it an annual trip. All the kids did great on the road both there and back and were good as gold there. I think we all got to decompress a bit and unwind and start the year off fresh. I loved it. And I am so happy we threw caution to the wind and took all of our kids out. We love to travel and the sooner we get the little ones in on the program, the better.

I hear some discontent from the bouncer so I must be off. I have made some minor resolutions this year including one to try to record more of what the girls do. John and I have some things in the works and we'll see if we can save some of the fleeting moments of baby and toddler hood for these girls...

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