Friday, October 10, 2008

I'll Never Understand... such little creatures create so much laundry.

I've been living a dream. Maia has so many articles of clothing, I was going two weeks before washing her stuff. Even then I'd only do it because my favorite outfits would need to be washed.

I've done two loads of mostly baby stuff a week for the past three weeks.

And it's a wonder I have any clean underwear. Because I don't have any clean t-shirts left.


Maryanne said...

Oh my goodness, Val, I'm reading through your blog and I can't believe how incredibly much I miss you.
We should get our little ones together so they can dance together. :) Zoe is 2 weeks younger than Maia, and only has boy friends, it's meant to be! :)

Congrats on the twins, that's so awesome!

ambrosia ananas said...

Thanks! That's so nice of you to offer. And thanks so much for the card--it's so fun to see you and John and your adorable girls on our fridge. I hope you're getting a little more sleep now.