Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Maia's Two Cents

I took Maia out shopping with me this morning. I needed pants. In the worst way. My favorite summer/pregnancy capri jeans have developed a bad case of inner thigh wear and needed to be replaced.

I'm at the mall in the maternity store because they have the biggest most comfortable pants. Really. when I was pregnant with Maia I got cheap pants at Target and Old Navy but something has happened in maternity wear and those stores no longer have cute, cheap, comfortable pants. If I have to pay the money, I'm getting the good stuff.

Maia, poor girl, is at the end of her rope. I forgot the stroller and she's been running with me all morning. She really doesn't want to be in the dressing room with me and as the dressing room opening is covered by a curtain and not a door, she keeps making her escape-of course while I have my pants, literally, down. The woman staffing the store was a complete sweetheart and in an effort to distract my little Houdini she strikes up a conversation with her.

She asks Maia "What's in Mommy's tummy?" and Maia answers "Two tiny babies." We all coo for a moment at how cute Maia is, and then the saleswoman asks "Would you like brothers or sisters?"

We've never really talked to Maia about brothers or sisters...I guess we figured "babies" was already a challenging enough topic. After all, we're not going to find out what sex these two babies are, so the whole brother or sister thing seemed like a non-issue.

Maia though, not one to drop a conversational thread with a stranger (a-hem), thinks about this for a moment before answering: "Sisters."

So I guess John will have to add that to his Terry Twin Poll

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