Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Three Years Ago

Three years ago today I stood on a beach at 10:30 in the morning and was joined together with my favorite man for ever and always...we wrote out the "till death do us part". Why should death stop a good thing?

Two years ago today we gave each other the best present ever as we found out that we were going to be parents...and our lives would never be the same. In a very good way.

One year ago today we ate sushi in our living room while our precious three-month-old slept. We thought it couldn't get better than that.

Tonight we have a baby sitter and we'll dine on German food. A bottle of our honeymoon Riesling is chilled in the fridge. We'll toast or good luck and our love as each year it gets stronger.

Three years. Too short a span for the lifetime of memories we have already created.

Cheers to you, my love.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Cute Story of the Week

Cute Maia story: (because I really should be writing these down somewhere so I can tell them to her over and over someday) Feel free to skip as the "cute baby" levels increase...

I am watching my friend's 9 month old son two days a week now. We're all adjusting to new things and it's hard first thing in the morning. Mr. M of course doesn't like to be dropped off, but he's getting better. That said, Mr. M was crying in my lap and I needed to distract him. Maia was playing in the doorway of her room and I ask her to go get a book so that we can read to Mr. M.

She hesitates before looking at me and doing the sign for book (her first time doing this) and then walks to the bookshelf, runs her fingers across the spines of her books before choosing one, and then pulls it out. Instead of bringing it to me to read, she plops down and "reads" the book to herself in baby babble.

She then chooses another book out from her shelf and brings it over to Mr. M and I and reads the book to us. Again in baby babble.

I love this kid, I really, really do.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Spetember 25

3rd Anniversary Traditional Gift:


"As a material, leather is durable, warm, strong, flexible, and has a sense of resiliency to it. These are qualities that help marriages continue to thrive."

Hmmm, I was going to write about how I didn't expect a gift this year, my dear John. But leather? I'm feeling tingly in my toes now. So many options...so little time until Tuesday. I didn't know about the leather when we picked the restaurant where we will be wiling the night away. But now it fits oh-so-well. You know, lederhosen and all.

Three years. Where does the time go?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday Night Cheese Party

It was one of those evenings only a mom (or a dad, maybe) could appreciate:

Sick baby girl. She picked up a nice little virus at the beginning of the week and has been weathering the ups and downs since. Fever spikes, appetite lows and loads of snuggling on the couch with mommy. Yesterday she didn't eat much at all. I've been tempting her with food favorites but she just wants her bottle and yesterday she didn't even want that. At bed time she takes her bottle--the whole thing--and then proceeds to throw it back up. All over herself. All over the floor. All over the Mom.

It looks likes cheese curds. Ever seen the cheese making process? Cheese begins life as milk that is heated and curdled and then separated from the watery milk in little chunks. That was all over the floor.

I strip Maia down. I strip myself down. As I head for the bathroom to draw a bath for the baby, I notice that the Harvey cat has chosen this very moment to express his disappointment in the state of his litter box by pooping on the floor. Great. So I'm in underwear staring at curds and whey vomit on one floor and cat poop on another. What's a girl to do?

Call John and ask him to bring home a pizza. That's what.

I did manage to get everything cleaned up. I attacked the floor of Maia's room after scooping the poop and while the bath was running. After soaking the carpet with cleaner, I dropped the baby in the tub and cleaned the cat box out. Soaped the kid, got her out and into clean pj's then scrubbed the carpet again.

All this in my underwear.

I did manage to have my pj's on by the time John got home with dinner. I earned my beer last night.