Thursday, March 22, 2007

Of All the Things I Should Be Doing...

blogging is not one of them.

I will let you know that the jinxing time has been lifted and the exciting news in our household: Maia is going to spend her first birthday in Zurich, Switzerland.

Before that we'll get to tour Paris and then spend a week in Geneva.

Good fortune is blessing us with a trip that piggy-backs on a work conference. Which means that one airfare is paid for and the really nice hotel in Geneva is covered as well.

I'm all smiles. Now to find places to sleep in Pairs and Zurich!

Oh and house cleaning because we're hosting TWO dinners this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! What stunningly good luck you have!
You are so fortunate, I'm excited for you :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot - is it new wardrobe time???