Tuesday, July 4, 2006

I Really Need...

...to blog more. Sorry. I hope to better perfect one-handed typing in the future.

The 4th of July is my very favorite holiday. I look forward to it like a kid looks to Christmas. The combination of food and fire just makes me happy. Today, I have a piece of pork just a few ounces smaller than my daughter on the grill and a red-white-and-blueberry star shaped Jell-O mold in the fridge. The Fourth makes me crave nostalgia food...hence the Jell-O.

Tonight, we will try to bust out the 20lbs of fireworks smuggled back from our trip to Louisiana. Did I ever mention that John and I almost rented a car to fill with fireworks for the trip home? That plan was under serious consideration...but sanity prevailed and we made due with shipping them UPS ground. Somehow they made it past the state line, so big booms here we come. I, of course, have a large stock of "girly" fireworks: ground blooming flowers, tanks that spit sparks, hen laying eggs, star balls, and sparklers. The sparklers excite me. They are the magnesium ones with metal sticks to hold on to...the ones that look like little stars are popping off when lit, not just a stream of light. The sparklers we can get here, where they are legal, are really lame. I am always disappointed with them. I hope the Louisiana sparklers are the ones from my youth. When it was OK to run around with flaming sticks and you might burn yourself if you weren't careful. "Safe and Sane" give a false sense of security in the firework world. I'd rather experience the joy of mastering the dangerous with my fire. But that's just me. Again waxing nostalgic.

Happy Fourth!

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