Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How Do Woking Mom's Do It?

I am tired. Bone dead, yawing in class, nodding off tired. I only have about three hours of scheduled time a day, and yet this seems like way too much. I am tired, and I can not sleep. I am tired, and I can not get housework done, I can barely keep my eyes open to read my assignments. I doze on the couch, but when bedtime rolls around, I can not get comfortable and I dream so very strangely that it is not refreshing.

Last night I was dreaming that I needed Hubby to buy a new hard drive for the Myth Box (our television/entertainment system) so that he could download more television for me, so I'd have something to watch when the baby arrives. Well, in my dream, he was on a business trip to Australia, and the only way we had to communicate was through a tele-text type of e-mail that was painfully slow and I had hard time typing on and reading. The situation was getting desperate...I had to have this hard drive. It then dawned on me that I was sleeping, and Hubby was right beside me. I just had to wake up and tell him to buy the hard drive, and all would well and I could sleep again. I woke up enough to debate whether or not I should wake up all the way and then wake up hubby to tell him about making this purchase for me. I ended up waking up all the way, and wondering why television had suddenly become so important to me, before going back to my toss-y turn-y state of "sleep". I did ask Hubby about the hard drive this morning, but the urgency was gone...and I don't think dreams translate as well for those IN them as for those EXPERIENCING them.

So, I'm tired, the dishwasher needs to be run, the living room is slowly moving toward its natural state of chaos and I...I am goofing off on the Internet. Because I can't sleep. At least I did finish my homework. That just required my computer and a bit of will power.

I really don't know how working mom's get through pregnancy. I could in no way handle a 9-5 job right now. My brain seems to miss-fire at every other moment and honestly, I don't know what's happening around me 70% of the time. If my second semester, the so called golden semester, is so trying...the next one is going to be all kinds of feet dragging. Yikes. Maybe I should worry less about going into labor during finals, and concentrate on simply being awake for them.


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