Wednesday, December 7, 2005

First Scare

I no longer feel guilt over my lack of nausea.

I found myself bleeding just a touch, only a small amount...but scary enough...this morning. After frantically calling the doctor, I had to wait for her or the nurse to call me back. She did, while I was in class...and I waited another hour to hear from her again. No big deal, I wasn't bleeding anymore but I was still worried.

Turns out it could be any of several reasons why I spotted a bit. Nothing out of the normal, but I am now on "pelvic rest" which boils down to lots of rest, no heavy lifting or any other activities that could cause stress on the pelvis. For a week. At least it's finals week, and I don't have to carry my really big heavy bag around. Whew!

Yes, stress could be a factor so I am done worrying about the holidays. And Finals. Finals alone will be enough, thank you very much.

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