Monday, December 5, 2005

I Feel a Little Guilty...

...for many things in my life right now. But mostly I feel guilty for having a good pregnancy. I am. I didn't have the three-month-heaves. I was tired, but I didn't get sore breasts, aching joints, or any other physical symptoms. I feel great right now, and good thing too...right in time for finals.

I feel guilty for feeling good. I have a friend that just went through an awful pregnancy and very hard delivery. We went to visit the baby and just visit in general. I haven't seen her at all since her shower. She was miserable for the first and last three months...and I was told I sounded gloatly (really...I'm not!) when I said how great I felt after being asked, "How are you doing?". I'm sorry. I didn't plan it this way, and I'm just glad to be able to function as well as I am, 'cause school is kicking me across the floor right now.

I've decided that pregnancy is the most personal thing a woman can go through. There are few normals, and even they vary widely from woman to woman. Plus...I don't like to complain if there's nothing really to complain about(those of you who know me are laughing right now...ok...I don't complain as much as I could). I could go into the stressful emotional roller coaster I'm on...most days I want to cry for no reason...lately I've been picking fights with my husband, just to get some of this tension out of me (I'm sorry to you, sweetie, for that). I could talk about bathroom ordeals, but NOBODY wants to hear about that. I could mention a hundred small things, but to what point? Basically, I feel fine and really hope it stays that way.

Right now, all I can really think about is getting through this week and next. Oh, and where my next meal is coming from...boy, am I hungry all the time. (Does that count as a pregnancy complaint?)

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